Are you looking for a lowrise apartment in New Chandigarh? Low rise buildings mean that they are G+ 3/4/5 style of apartments. Many people prefer to buy lowrise apartment in New Chandigarh. A lowrise apartment for sale in New Chandigarh is always preferred by people who need to have amenities like parking etc near to them, have pets or are elderly. There are a lot of costs involved in the deciding on low budget apartments in Chandigarh, the prime being the price of apartment which is higher when you live in low rise as compared to the upper floors of a high rise building and so is the cost of return on them. For builders, it is easy and more cost effective to develop low rise apartments in Chandigarh as compared to high rise, an observation that has escalated the number of lowrise apartment for sale in New Chandigarh.
The trend of lowrise apartment in New Chandigarh has always been there among buyers. Features like parking, market, ATM etc. are a lot closer when you live in a low rise as compared to high rise. You get quieter locality. The area is a lot peaceful in low rise than its high rise counterpart. Along with quietness, you can also expect cleaner and greener environment. Viola!
Emergency is another factor that is highly considered in lowrise apartment for sale in New Chandigarh. In case of emergencies like hospital related, natural disasters like earthquake, it’s easier to reach a safe zone when you live in a lowrise apartment in New Chandigarh as lifts in high rise don’t normally work at such crucial times. High resale rate matters alot. The rate at which you can flip your house in the market for resale is greater when you reside in low rise. Also the value of appreciation is much bigger in low rise as mostly investors look for them because of the independence it gives them.
Generally more warm and encouraging than the average high-rise, which is modern, luxurious, and features office-like spatial features. Most importantly, the rent is typically negotiable in a lowrise apartment for sale in New Chandigarh because there is less demand, landlords will be willing to lower the price if you haggle enough. The rents of low rises are generally cheaper than high rises. If you like a community style living, low rise is good for you. If you wish to live in a community lifestyle, then low rise apartments in Chandigarh serves you good. As the area of the society is mostly small in low rise apartments, the option of socialization is higher here.